Friday, February 8, 2013

Chapter 4 - Welders

Just got back from visiting the Quartermaster, he has to be the grumpiest person I have ever met.  Anyhow, I dropped off the pallet with my welders on it.  He went on and on and on about how many of these things he already had.  Not my problem, part of the deal is that if you provide your own equipment the Fleet will store it for you and not charge when you take one out.  Of course they can sell your things but you get your asking price added to your card.  Pretty cool arrangement, except for dealing with mister-too-busy-to-mess-with-you-right-now Quartermaster.

Making the RK-5 welders wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be.  I had enough on my card from the work I did on the space station to buy the materials to make them plus the huge score of metal residue I got from the fabulous Mr. Mitch Lander, which was actually a quadruple plus.  Anyways, to make the welders all you do is go to the manufacturing terminal, scan the blueprint, stick your materials in (including the residue), shut the lid and select the quantity you want.  I calculated that the amount of residue I had would make 23 perfect welders so I selected that amount and away it went.  When the process was complete I had 23 RK-5’s stacked on a pallet ready for shipment.  And I didn't even get my hands dirty.

Now, I’m waiting to go on shift and I have some time to squat on the floor in front of my makeshift terminal / pad and do some serious research.  I’m thinking of trying to learn to make mining amps.  These are neat little gizmos that you poke into the socket on the side of your Seeker that do wonders to improve the performance of said Seeker.  I need to know more about these gizmos and what materials I’m going to have to scrounge up to make them.  We make enough stops during the week I should be able to find a sampling of the things I will need.

OK I got sidetracked.  I just spent like 18 minutes looking for Mitch in all the people registries in the known universe.  Odd that I didn't find him listed anywhere.  Maybe he is just a low profile sort of guy but he didn't seem that way really.  Oh well I still have a smile on my face from that chance encounter.  And yes I know I’m sounding like a stalker.  Oh well got to get to work.

Several hours later

Gah I have a headache, we had a passenger that was so out of line everyone on the ship wanted to grab him and stuff him out an airlock.  Not worth repeating the conversations but he was some self-important ass that thought his fare got him complete control of the ship.  I was in between jobs and offered to show him around the ship.  Mistake, he never listened to me or paid attention to where he was and always tried to take the lead and ended up not even close to where he wanted to go.  I tried to be patient and polite and I suppose I should have been more forgiving because he acted like someone that had never been in space before, maybe.  No actually he was just a flat out ass.  Glad he is gone.

Later even

I just choked down a couple slices of Caroot.  Tastes a lot like eating paper or paper mixed with dirt.  I might have lost a few kilos on this diet.  So, I’m thinking I might start hitting the crew mess every couple days just to, well, eat something that might be beneficial to my health.  In the meanwhile I’m still trying to find more information on the Nutrio bars.  Not a lot out there about this other than you can make them from any of the fruit veggie melon plants found on the known worlds.  Surely they have more nutritional content than plain old Caroot or (holding nose) Haimoros for gods sake.
At any rate my card is finally showing a positive and the crew mess sure smells good when I pass by.  I can thank the Captain for the improved status of my card.  She is generous with her bonus pay which is super nice.  But she can be a taskmaster though she has had us doing drills jumping from station to station improving our efficiency.  At first it was a pain in the bottom.  I felt like such a fumble butt trying to get were ordered at first then it all started to fall into place.  Now I can jump up from a sound sleep and be on station in seconds.  And I have been promoted to Apprentice 2nd Class.  Is that awesome or what?  Working on the Fleet ships has to be the coolest gig going, after you get the hang of it and I’m liking it a lot.  OK back to the grind.

Late evening

I spent the last 30 minutes stripping a comm unit out of an old helmet I found to rig up a way to talk to my terminal.  Trying to type on the worn out terminals over used surface is maddening.  Now that it sort of understands me I’m going try my searches again.

OK I can’t let this can’t-find-you-anywhere-Mitch-thing go.  Turning up stalker settings to the highest level and redoing all my searches.  Still nothing.  OK what the heck.  People just don’t .. wait maybe that wasn't his name.  Scrunching eyes closed tightly palms on the side of my head.  Idiot.

So what if?  (an intricate series of syntactically unambiguous commands) .. This search is taking forever.  OK, so, describing a person to an ancient terminal maybe isn't the best thing to do, but it’s not getting overheated or anything and it’s not locked up .. yet. 

20 minutes later. OK finally some results.  Hmmm .. there are a lot of hunky guys out there with sandy blond hair about 2 meters tall, physically fit, size large feet, handsome in a rugged heart breaking kind of way.  10,000 plus images to flip through, this is going take a while for me to sort out. 

Crap, all I wanted to do was send him a message telling him I really enjoyed the time we had together.  But this mystery man has me baffled.  Hmmm .. some of the images are really bad.  I have like 30 that could be him.  If I could just see an image of him up close like a nose to nose view. 


This is him.  

His name wasn't Mitch Lander at all.  He just told me that for some reason.  He could have told me his name and I wouldn't have cared or known the difference.  Lisbeth, stupid stupid Lisbeth.  I suddenly feel kind of sick like.  Yes this is him, still not a lot of details but more than I had. Obviously, there will be no way to contact him, even if I wanted to now and I do / did / do.  How does a guy as self-assured and so good at feel good physical stuff end up in a religious cult?  Well if I ever see you again Mr. Wastelander Tracker Mitchell I will tell you a thing or two.

Saving images and redoing the search for Wastelander Tracker Mitchell.  Holi moli these Wastelanders are harsh people, especially that Reverend guy.  They are pirates and all round bad people seems like. On top of being religious fanatics, cult like in all the evil meanness that they can do.

Wastelanders search results synopsis

They robbed the bank in Port Atlantis, the one in Twin Peaks and in New Oxford. Then harassed people at the Sweat Camp with vehicles and tried to blow up the Oil Rig near Ahsi.  There is even video.  And then some General that really wanted them bad sent out a call to the citizens to help with an ambush that obviously didn't work so well.  Lot of people got caught in the cross fire, sounds like it was a mess and they got away again.  But got caught and went to prison but crap they broke out of prison and stole a bunch of vehicles and went on a shooting spree.  I guess there is still a bounty contract out on them all.  Part of that news blurb is corrupted can’t read it all.

Gosh there is even a wanted poster.  Hmmm who is that chick standing so close to Mitch. She isn't very pretty.  Not his type I can tell.

Thinking back over the time he and I were together.  Nothing really alerted me that he was anything other than a great looking sensitive guy.  Nothing really ummm other than his pad .. crap what have I done.  I put my password for the commercial route the Bismarck takes on his pad.  I know he closed it I saw him or I think I did. Oh crap.. oh crap .. oh crap .. The Captain will kill me and throw me in a black-hole or something I just know it. 

I jump up and squeeze out of my secluded berth and run as fast as I can towards the Command Center.

Go to--> Chapter 5 - Telling All

Disclaimer Part
None of the characters in this story / role play are real in the sense that this all takes place in a virtual world.  None of the events depicted are real, come on its in space on a huge Mothership.  Really?

The real parts are as follows:

The environment in which I do my role play is a game called Entropia Universe.  Which is made by Swedish company called MindArk.  MindArk has not authorized me to speak for them in any way nor do I intend to.  But I will tell you it is a very fun game and it truly is what you make it.

Entropia Universe is a free to play game with a real cash economy.

Here is a link to Entropia Universe - Planet Calypso

The Motherships do exist in the game and are owned and operated by individuals.  The fleets of ships that Wasp works on are all part of the Entropia Fleet Alliance.  These folks are pros at getting you across space in an efficient timely manner.  They offer routine scheduled flights every day of the week. 

Here is a link to the EFA Website –  Entropia Fleet Alliance 

Oh and when you aren't reading my blogger or even when you are listen in on  Atlas Haven Radio <-- click here for link.

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